Leo Overall Horoscope 2014:
The second part of 2014 will be great for many people born in Leo. In the past few years you were looking for opportunities, for ways to get ahead, for the love of life that you so desire and seem to elude you.
The first part of year is not easy, you are still dealing with so many issues concerning your family. Many of you want to spend your days with other interests and activities, yet, remind yourself that spending the time with family members can be fun, and you can do the things that make you feel alive while being home.
The year 2014 will bring with it further more responsibilities and small advancements, those of you who have invested time and effort will see good results in terms of better relationships, some advancements in your jobs, and you will realize that you have the respect of the people around you.
During 2014 with all of its ups and downs, the overall energy will be similar to the Leo energy. Your way of looking at life, enjoying life, and the way you can be so warm when you want to, will be in high demand.
Leo Career Horoscope 2014
Same as in last year, many Leos will get promoted, will get the position they have been dreaming of, and will have to put in all that extra effort to meet the new role’s demands.
The second half of the year will be interesting to many Leos. There will be many opportunities and it will be hard to choose from them. The best places for you will be those that offer position that have international interactions.
Leos will find themselves being called upon to fix other people’s mistakes, or to try and save failing projects. Many of them will succeed in doing just that, while many will not, but the experience will teach them a lot, and that lesson is priceless in the long run.
Overall this year will bring with it opportunities to the Leos, it will be up to each one individually to realize them.
Leo Relationships Horoscope 2014
The year 2014 will emphasize the relationships of the Leos with themselves! There will be a tendency to blame other people for what goes on in their life, especially for failed opportunities, but doing that will only serve to increase the problem.
This can be a very good year to all Leos who take full responsibility over their own actions and words, and therefore, are able to be in a relationship, yet stay themselves at the same time.
From August on there will be many opportunities for different kind of relationship, those that are more open, those that include some joint cause or pursuit, and those that are friendlier.
Those who wish to expand their family will find the second half of 2014 an excellent time for that.
Leo Astrology Direction 2014
2014 has two phases to it, the first half will feel as if you are still climbing up a hill with a lot of extra cargo on your back, while in the second half you will feel full of optimism, able to move fast in all directions.
Anything substantial that you would like to have can wait to August, while those who have learned the lessons of self reliance will benefit from those energies in a big way.
This is a good year for learning, for traveling, for going outside of your limits, some on a small scale and some on a larger one. When in doubt, remember that you would rather be sorry for something you have tries and didn’t work out, than be sorry for not trying at all.
This is an overall Horoscope based on your sun sign. Order a PERSONAL year ahead forecast that takes into account your own personal planets.