Libra Horoscope 2016

Overall Libra Horoscope 2016

2016 could be a bit relaxing year for many Libras. The overall energy emphasis slowly shifts to the mutable signs, and leaves you to decide for yourselves what you would like to do. Many of you may choose not make major changes this year, but rather enjoy this lower profile and some ease in your lives.

But, there will be Libras who will have to deal with pressure: Libras born between Oct 11 – Oct. 17 may experience issues with other people in their lives who want more freedom, or want to make major changes which will affect the Libras as well. It could also be the Libra who just wants something different and is attempting to make a bold move in a new direction. Libras born between Oct 9 to Oct. 11 will have a major transformation, one that feels fated.

It is never easy for a Libra to make a decision, and 2016 will make it even harder. There are so many ideas, sides, new thinking and old thinking that many of you will not know what you want, what others want, and what will be a right choice in the long term.

Overall you have the potential to realize that you do not need to make a choice this year, others may make their own decision, and a part of you will be relieved that it is not up to you to decide. Many of you will not know how the time passed so quickly, while you did not get to half of what you have planned.

our intuitive ability will be there to guide you, but it will not be easy to find the quiet space needed for that clarity. You will shift between moments of clarity and knowingness on what is right for you, and moments when you feel that you would like to just give up.

Career Horoscope Libra 2016

If you are born between Oct. 9th to Oct. 17th you may make major changes in your career, and experience a year of intensity in this part of your life. It could be the right time to go off to your new business, or make the career change you have always wanted.

The rest of the Libras will have a quiet year, with no major changes, no major obstacles, or challenges. A year that will pass without you noticing it, and in which you will be less focused on getting to a specific goal. Your talents are appreciated by others, and you do get some recognition.

Many of you will take it easy on yourselves and demand less from others as well.

Relationships Horoscope Libra 2016

The first part of 2016 will send you looking for more and more. You will want to break out, and add some activity and drama to your relationships. Attached Libras will feel as if they need to fight with their partners just to get them out of the house. From June and onwards, you will be the ones who prefer to stay in, and will want to cuddle up with your partners.

Single Libras will probably want to look for partners and will be willing to experiment and experience in relationships with people from other cultures and backgrounds. As much as you say that you would want to make a commitment, the energies are such that you could continue to hesitate. From June to the end of the year you may prefer either to stay on your own, or to be with people that are closer to you in terms of background and social status.

Libra Astrology Direction for  2016

2016 has the potential to feel like a chaotic year for many of you. You rely so much on the unspoken social rules to direct you, you rely a lot on what is considered to be the norm and the “right thing”. Those will change rapidly through the year, leaving you wondering what to do next or what to say next.

If you are not forced to make changes, you will probably elect not to initiate on your own anything new. You will see how your tolerance level increases to other ideas, modes of living, and perhaps you are warming up to people you previously did not like.

It could be a good year to let yourselves step outside of the rules and unspoken lows that you were born to, allow yourselves some freedom in thought, and that may lead to changes in 2017.




For a PERSONAL HOROSCOPE , click here.




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