Overall Pisces Horoscope 2019
The mixture of the overall energies of 2019 are a both easy and hard to manage at the same time for many Pisceans. On the one hand the pace of life slows down a little bit, and there is a growing wish for a simpler life, both trends much cherished by the Piscean. On the other hand many other signs experience an energy of becoming more selective, and Pisceans don’t like to feel that energy of discrimination.
Overall the planets are well aligned for the Pisceans this year: Jupiter, the modern lord is its lordship in Sagittarius and the Pisceans experience opportunities for growth, especially in their careers, but also in personal activities. Activities initiated by the Pisceans gain interest and support from the environment.
Pisceans born on Mar. 5 – Mar. 9 will experience a year of deep feelings, some may turn to spiritual pursuits, other to artistic pursuits, and others will fall in love. All those will experience a soft, a bit dreamy energy around them.

Career Horoscope Pisces 2019
In theory this year could be quite good for the careers of many Pisceans. Opportunities will come to them, or they will get the attention of the right person, or just do well for a while. It will be easy for the Pisceans to stay optimistic, and keep up the spirits of those around them, and that alone will make them involved in the more interesting aspects of their work.
Pisceans overall will find themselves spending more time at work that they are used to. Either circumstances allow it, or demand it, or they are just not looking to run away home the first opportunity they get. This alone also leads to advancement.
This is a year which does not direct to making big changes in your career, rather it directs on staying or doing in the same work improving most likely your overall benefits, maybe also your salary.
Relationships Horoscope Pisces 2019
It is a year in which other signs become a bit more selective, and some Pisceans will feel rejected because of that. This is not necessarily in your love relationships, but more with friends and even family members.
Single Pisceans will find that they too are becoming a bit more selective, at least in their thinking, if not in reality. The Pisceans connect quite fast with others, and are surprised again and again that this is not so with other signs. This year this gap between the immediate connection of the Pisceans, and the slower building connection of the other signs (especially the earth signs) will make the Pisceans a bit confused.

Pisces Astrology Direction for 2019
The overall tendency of 2019 is harmonious with the Pisces energy. The major obstacle of the Pisceans will be a tendency to demand more and more from the world, forgetting to say thank you to what they already have.
Another trend of this energy can cause some Pisceans to exaggerate in food and drink, some at work, others at their favorite hobby. There will be a bit of an extra energy this year for many, the question is what this energy is put into.
For a PERSONAL HOROSCOPE detailing which dream can be manifested click here.
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